The scope of the conference includes but is not limited to the following topics:
Information and Communication Technology:
Internet Services and Applications, Future Internet, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Network Convergence, Multimedia Communication Systems, Quality of Service and Quality of Experience, High Performance Networking, Optical Systems and Networks, Network Design and Optimization of Communication Systems, Network Performance Evaluation, Multiagent Systems, Intelligent Systems, Sensor Networks, Distributed Embedded Systems, Software Engineering, Cloud Computing, Security
Circuits and Systems for Signal Processing:
Analog and Mixed Circuits, RF Circuits, Low Power Circuits, VLSI Circuits and Systems, Device and Circuit Modeling, Design for Testability, Distributed Circuits, Reconfigurable Architectures, High Level Synthesis, Hardware and Software Co-design, Signal, Image and Video Processing and Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Multimedia, Distance Learning, Sensors and Transducers, MEMS, Biomedical Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Robotics, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic
Power Resources and Systems:
Power System Planning and Management, Power System Modeling and Simulation, Control Methods and Real Time Operation, Power System Operation and Control, Modern Technology and Computation Techniques, Transmission and Distribution Systems, High Voltage Engineering, Distributed Generation, Smart Grid Policies, Regulatory Issues and Standards, Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies, Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, Energy Carriers and Storage, Deregulation and Electric Power Market, Power Quality, Electric Machines and Electric Vehicles, Electricity Demand, Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems, Power Electronics, Energy and Environment, Sustainable Development, Transition Towards a Low Carbon Energy System, Smart Cities and Energy in Buildings: From Efficient Buildings to Smart Cities, Integrated Heating, Cooling and Electricity Systems, Energy and Economy, National Energy Systems and Energy Policy, Energy Planning Tools, Electricity Market Policies, Structures and Rules, Energy Efficiency and Energy Management Systems, End-use Customers, Demand-Side Management, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Engineering Education